Monday, September 16, 2024

On Another Political Assasination Attempt

As I've said Political Assassination is essentially useless.  Under no circumstances a semiautomatic firearm that fires an intermediate round be used in such an attempt.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

On Political Assassination

King Henry II of England said to some knights: “Will someone rid me of this turbulent priest?”  This was interpreted by the knights as an order to murder the Archbishop Of Canterbury.  The false president Joe Biden may be responsible the attempted murder of President Donald Trump.  Political Assassination is absolutely useless.  The actual issue is the culture the person represents.  When the target is taken out another person will step in their place.  The murder of President Trump won’t translate into the ascent of The Left but will only result in his replacement.  The Civil Rights Movement continued after the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. The Patriot Movement WILL continue after an elimination of President Trump.  


Thursday, May 30, 2024


Of course President Trump was found guilty.  This was a SHOW TRIAL.

Thursday, January 4, 2024


But it's better than what we have now.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Leftists have no idea who they're up against.

Monday, January 1, 2024

On Despotism

If the our own party of and for the Despots wins the coming election, not only the Presidency but also one or both houses of Congress.  I would expect them to take every measure to see that they don't ever lose power again. The Democratic Party whose tendencies toward power lust and vindictiveness are rather well documented.  We should expect terror attacks not only from our external enemies but also a full Leninist reign of terror against anyone that they perceive to be an opponent.  Like Lenin, who saw himself and his followers to not be subject to any law or other moral restraint, they will not only violate but may very well openly disavow The Constitution and use any means to cement their power over us.  No act will be too heinous to them.  We will see mass arrests and imprisonments based on fraudulent grounds.  They will command us to disarm ourselves and when we rightfully refuse they will deliberately commit atrocities against us in order to break our will.  They may even perpetrate one or more horrors like the Waco Massacre.  And because submission to their will has never been and never will be an option we will have no choice but to fight back with every means at our disposal.  As the Despotic Party have wrongfully feared of President Trump we will have no alternative but to hunt them down and kill every last one of them no matter the cost in lives and treasure to us.  And to insure that our children and grandchildren will not have to face the horrors that we faced we may very well believe it necessary to hunt down and kill the children and grandchildren of the Despotists as well.  They will have no one blame for their ultimate demise but themselves. 


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

On Rights

A right of the individual is a restraint upon the powers of government and society as a whole. Which is perfectly all right for those of us who are rational and productive.  But to those who irrationally choose parasitism as their mode of existence an individual right is like staring at the muzzle of a shotgun that is aimed at their own heads.  Because a rational individual cannot be expected to willfully consent to having a parasite living continually at their expense, the parasite must resort to force and fraud in order to sustain its own life.  Thus the parasite must by necessity favor the establishment and maintenance of a state of dictatorship with a fully functional apparatus of censorship and repression and must oppose a free society with a government that is accountable to the citizen body.