Sunday, February 13, 2011

Quote of the Day

Mark Urbin posted this on his No Moss Here blog:

Much of the left’s hate speech bears greater similarity to a psychological disorder than to standard political discourse. The hatred is blinding, producing logical contradictions that would be impossible to sustain were it not for the central element faith plays in the left’s new religion. The basic tenet of their faith is this: Maybe they were wrong on facts and policies, but they are good and conservatives are evil. You almost want to give it to them. It’s all they have left.

-- Ann Coulter

Anyone who feels that they are automatically right is automatically wrong.

The persistent habit by the members of The Left of refusing to check their basic beliefs (what Ayn Rand used to call a Premise Check) as well as their immediate facts is leading them away from the path of reality (and thus Life) and onto the path of insanity and destruction. It should come as no surprise that horrendous megaperson body counts were run up by collectivist states in Twentieth Century. Each of those states were founded on a falsehood and led by a leader who was held to be infallible.

Anyone who feels that they are infallible is already in the failure mode.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

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