Monday, July 21, 2014

The Problem of Islam

Is there a solution to the problem of Islam short of a Final Solution?

The doctrine of Islam denies all of the Rights of Man including the Right of Life.  Given that Muslims are required to act as the mortal enemies of Mankind there are no middle grounds under which a peace can be negotiated with any of them.  In the end the practice of Islam must be removed from existence altogether.

Even if Muslims are not exterminated altogether they must be removed from rationally functioning human societies.  Those who deny the Rights of Man cannot live in a rational Human Society based on those rights.  Therefore Muslims have no place in a rational Human Society in and must be expelled from it.

Under no circumstances will any attempt be made to comply with any part of the Islamic code of law, including the dietary code.  If for example the least expensive food available to feed the Muslims in temporary detention before deportation is pork then it will be used.  If Muslims insist on complying with the false dietary laws and starve to death as a result then it’s their fault alone.

Can any of the children be saved?

Good question.  Certainly those children who haven’t experienced full indoctrination to Islam could be separated and assigned to voluntary foster parents.  As to other children who have been indoctrinated I have no information to come up with a sound theory of action.

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