Saturday, September 2, 2017

A Resonse To The Ideological Emissions

There have been numerous calls by folks on The Left for the suspension of elections or for other deliberate acts of dictatorship.

I will start my response to these ideological emissions with something that was published in the original dead tree edition of The Resister:

Humanity is not merely a physical condition, it is a state of mind. To be human is to be essentially rational and productive. The human mentality (or soul) looks upon the world, the land, the animals and plants, the natural forces, as things to be mastered for the benefit of himself and his posterity. On the other hand, the predator, or savage mentality does not seek to to master the world, but to be the master of men. The savage prefers not to sustain himself by his own effort, but to seize and consume the lives and property of others for material and spiritual sustenance. To the predator, justice consists of "getting away with it" -- those who rightfully resist the predator are to be punished or destroyed.

-- Leslie Bates, The Resister, Vol VI, N. 1, Page 42

While I am an atheist I will say this, the Monotheist doctrine that is the center of Judaism and Christianity holds that all human beings are more that mere animals and that each person in charge of and responsible for themselves.

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