Gun control is a bad idea and never works. Obviously, as an Objectivist I can't advocate a God given right to own a firearm, but I could explain why gun control is a bad idea.
Firstly, criminals will always have firearms. That's why the worst gun crimes are committed in the most legally disarmed regions.
Secondly, wooden chop sticks are the least lethal eating utensils that could be allowed. Wooden chop sticks can be used to inflict a lethal injury only with great difficulty. Asians are stuck with wooden chop sticks while Europeans could use metal eating utensils. Metal eating utensils (knives, forks, and spoons) can be used as weapons and inflict lethal injuries with less difficulty. When one legally disarms the citizens, one has to go all the way.
Thirdly, the great martial arts were developed in legally disarmed regions as Asia. Unarmed combat was taught during Infantry basic training at Fort Benning. The oath of enlistment includes the promise to uphold and defend The Constitution. That's why Barack Obama (I won't call him president) had military personel legally disarmed when he was present. One of the results of legally disarming American citizens will be the development of a distinctly American form of martial art.
Fourthly, the great mass murders of the Twentieth Century occurred in legally disarmed regions. The great mass murderers (Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, etc) had to disarm their victims before murdering them. That's why statists (The Democratic Party is a case in point) always advocate and enforce gun control.
The advocates and enforcers of gun control see themselves as good people doing good things with their victims, armed citizens with the NRA, as being evil. The advocates and enforcers of gun control need to be identified and dealt with as the opponents of Humanity they actually are.