Sunday, December 6, 2020

A Message

I have a message for Americans who don’t believe in God.  Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party clearly cheated during the presidential election.  The evidence for cheating is so clear that only a literally blind person couldn’t see it.  The declaration that Joe Biden won by the Mainstream Media is so false that a Soviet or National Socialist propagandist could emit it.  The name of atheism was initially befouled by Karl Marx when he declared his own disbelief.  The name of atheism became fouler still when Madelyn Murray O’Hair supported the Soviet Union during the Cold War.  Issac Asimov had sense enough to say he wasn’t an atheist when he stopped believing.  The name of atheist will continue to be fouled by those who support Biden, Harris, and the Democratic Party, in their effort to gain power over the United States of America.  If a nonbeliever outside of the Objectivist camp finds themselves in a hole they only have themselves to blame for their situation.

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